Dating and Communicating Through the Zodiac

Dating can be complicated enough, especially when it comes to communication, growing, and learning with your significant other.  When the two of you can’t see eye to eye, look to the stars to help you learn how to best get your point across.  Maybe just understanding how each of you operates differently will be eye opening and an experience in [...]

Dating and Communicating Through the Zodiac2020-08-14T14:17:50+00:00

What Does your Birthstone Mean?

Your birthstone is more than just a sparkly accessory. There are many uses and properties associated with each one. Let's take a look at what they represent. Jan- Garnet Garnets, the birthstone for January, are known for their protection properties. This red gem is used to relieve nightmares and see you through dark times. Additionally, garnets are great for helping [...]

What Does your Birthstone Mean?2020-07-13T14:37:40+00:00

Office Astrology

Within office culture, it’s not uncommon for at least one personality test to circulate around the office. While there are a range of different personality tests, the common goal within all of them is to understand how individuals are similar and different. By gaining more insight about ourselves and the people surrounding us, we’re ideally able to relate and work [...]

Office Astrology2019-10-03T18:16:53+00:00

Which Summer BBQ Food Fits Your Zodiac Sign?

If the sun is shining and the grass is green, it means it’s time to have a summer BBQ with friends and family. It’s important to keep different personalities and preferences in mind, so take a look below to see the BBQ food that fits each zodiac sign!   Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) Aquarius is the most humanitarian [...]

Which Summer BBQ Food Fits Your Zodiac Sign?2019-10-03T11:22:34+00:00

Zodiac and Relationships

Have you heard of horoscopes?  It’s the Zodiac sign, based on your birth date.  It represents the positions the Sun, Moon, planets, and astrological angles at the time of your birth.  Everyone has a sign.  You are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces.  Many people believe that based on their sign, they can [...]

Zodiac and Relationships2019-10-03T11:22:34+00:00

Zodiac Personalities, Part 3

Have you ever read the paper or clicked on a link about Zodiac signs?  If so, you have found that it is based on your birth date. The third quarter of the year consists of the following signs: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.  Each sign has strengths, weaknesses, and relationship traits that can help each person live their best life. [...]

Zodiac Personalities, Part 32019-10-03T11:22:34+00:00

Zodiac Personalities, Part 2

The Zodiac signs, based on a person’s birth date, are fun to read about and determine personality traits.  The middle quarter of the year consists of the following signs: Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra.  Each sign has strengths, weaknesses, and relationship traits that can help each person live their best life. Taurus Taurus, the bull, is born between April 20 [...]

Zodiac Personalities, Part 22019-10-03T11:22:34+00:00

Zodiac Personalities Part 1

Everyone has heard of the Zodiac and probably looked up which one they are.  It is loads of fun to read about your personality, based on when you were born.  There are twelve different signs, with different strengths, weaknesses, and who you are most compatible with.  The first quarter of the calendar year, there are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries. [...]

Zodiac Personalities Part 12019-10-03T11:22:34+00:00

The Science Behind the Stars: Exploring the History of Horoscopes

There’s no doubt the stars were existence long before humans walked the face of the earth, so when and how did we begin looking to the stars to determine our future, our life, our characteristics, and everything that has come to be known as our horoscopes? We’re here to take a look at the history of our relationship with reading [...]

The Science Behind the Stars: Exploring the History of Horoscopes2019-10-03T11:22:33+00:00

Written in the Stars: Relationship Compatibility from your Horoscopes

With 7 billion plus people on this planet, you’re statistically bound to meet people you like and people you hate. Is there a science behind figuring out who you’ll mesh with and who you’ll clash with, other than through trial and error? Maybe it’s not pure science, but horoscopes can try to take a crack at guiding your life, including [...]

Written in the Stars: Relationship Compatibility from your Horoscopes2019-10-03T11:22:34+00:00
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