Our future is written in the stars
Mission: Our aim is to help those who are facing problems and add value to our readers using divine science of astrology.
Do Certain Months Have Multiple Birthstones?
You've likely gone your entire life with the knowledge that each month has its own [...]
Office Astrology
Within office culture, it’s not uncommon for at least one personality test to circulate around [...]
Chinese Zodiac
The Chinese zodiac is based on a twelve-year cycle with each cycle relating to an [...]
Which Wine Matches Your Zodiac Sign?
There is a wine for everyone out there, and if you haven’t found yours yet, maybe you need to look to the stars. Taking inspiration from your birthday could be the missing piece to refining [...]
Origins of the Zodiac
Chances are you are familiar with the zodiac, especially your own sign. You might casually read your horoscope in a magazine, or study it online to find deeper meaning in the cosmos. Humans have used [...]
Notable Personality Traits from Each Zodiac Sign
There are personality traits associated with each zodiac sign. Look for yours below and see if the traits listed are accurate. Aquarius You need an Aquarius in your life. An article written by Aliza Kelly [...]
Making Financial Decisions Based on Your Horoscope
You may look to your horoscope to help guide you in matters of love, friendship and business. However, many horoscopes offer financial advice as well. Which demographics feel this is a solid financial strategy? What [...]
The Perfect Mocktail According to Your Sign
No more random picks for your mocktail! Let’s guide you to a unique cocktail crafted for your zodiac sign. Picking a mocktail to order or create should be a relaxing task instead of a daunting [...]
Personality Pitfalls: Where Each Zodiac Can Practice Personal Development
We’re no strangers to the common personality traits of each zodiac sign, but it might be time to dig deeper to focus in on how each zodiac sign can use their characteristics to better themselves [...]